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The school Workshop on “Media Literacy and Entertainment” February 27 2020
The first school workshop for the workshop series in 2020 was held at Panadura Balika College on 27th of February. Nearly 450 students participated for this event representing the relevant Zone. Emeritus Professor at University of Kelaniya Mr. Sunanda Mahendara, Senior lecturer Mr. Wijayananda Rupasinghe and Senior lecturer Mr. Prasannajith Abesooriya participated to this event as resource persons. The workshop was held associating lectures and discourses.
The Chairman, The Press Commissioner, The Assistant Press Commissioner, The Accountant of the Sri Lanka Press Council, Mr.W.V.D Ranjith Assistant Director of Education, The teachers in charge of the subject and journalists participated for this occasion.
At the end of the workshop certificates were handed over to the students who participated and a bundle of publications was given to their school libraries in the event organized by Sri Lanka Press Council.