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JKAB Park Hotel in Trincomalee (10.08.20)
The Workshop for provincial Journalists in Trincomalee district included to the series of workshops for journalists,conducted by The Sri Lanka Press Council was held at JKAB Park Hotel in Trincomalee (10.08.2019)
A large no of Journalists representing both print and electronic media in Trincomalee district participated to this Workshop on “The Conflict Reporting & Role of the Journalists” . The discourses were conducted by Mr. Aruna Lokuliyana, Senior lecturer & Head of the department of Mass Communication at University of Kelaniya , Mr. Wijayananda Rupasingha ,Senior Lecturer at department of Mass Communication at University of Kelaniya and the senior journalist Mr.Sendil Velavar. The Program consisted with Lectures & Conversations.
The Assistant District secretariat of Tincomalee district, senior Attorney at Law Mr. Koggala Wellala Bandula, Chairman of SLPC , Mr. Nalaka Kaluwewa & Mr. Muditha Kariyakarawana who are the board members of SLPC, Mr.Niroshana Thambawita, Press Commissioner", Mr. Kushan Devapriya , the Accountant of Sri Lanka Press Council also participated to this occasion.
Further, Dr. Naween Raj ,the Head of the department of Communication & language studies of Trincomalee campus at Eastern University & Couple of students representing the same department participated to this event.
The Journalists were extremely satisfied with the workshop. They mentioned further that the topic of the workshop is very timely & useful for enhancing their professional career.
More inquiries can be made regarding the Workshops which are held by SLPC for teachers, school children & provincial Journalists by…