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Certificates offering ceremony for the diploma course on Journalism and Media Studies for its 8th batch and the certificate course on Journalism for the 1st batch
The certificates offering ceremony for the diploma course on Journalism and Media Studies for its 8th batch and the certificate course on Journalism for the 1st batch conducted by Sri Lanka Press Council, was held with the participation of Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardana, Minister of Mass Media on 22nd September 2022 at the Centre for Banking Studies, Rajagiriya. The keynote address of the function was delivered by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts, Senior Professor (Dr) Rohana P. Mahaliyanaarachchi. The course coordinators Emeritus Professor Sunanda Mahendra, Professor Tudor Weerasinghe and the Chairman of Sri Lanka Press Council Senior Lecturer Mahinda Pathirana and a large gathering was participated in this occasion.