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The inauguration ceremony of the Certificate course in Journalism
The inauguration ceremony of the Certificate course in Journalism was held at the auditorium in the Ministry of Mass media with honourable presence of the Hon. Mr. Ruwan Wijewardhena, the Minister of Mass Media. The key note address on “The challenges before the modern Journalists˜ was done by Dr. Tuder Weerasingha who is the former Dean of the Sripalee Campus at University of Colombo'.
Mr. Sunil Samaraweera the secretery of Ministry of mass media, Mr.Nalaka Kaluwewa the director General of department Information, Senior attorney at law Mr. Koggala Wellala Bandula, the chairman of the Sri Lanka Press Council and the board directors, Press Commissioner Mr. Niroshana Thambawita, Assistant Press Commissioner Mr. Ayesh Wijayasingha, Accountant Mr. Kushan Devapriya, Resource persons of the course, Students & their parents were attended to the event.
The latest publication of Sri Lanka Press Council “The Glosary of communication Studies”, was handed over to the honorable Minister and other distinguished guests.